Work in progress
Working Papers
- "Do late-life divorces produce greater gender inequalities? Evidence from administrative data", 2024, with L. Cimelli (Ined) and A. Solaz (Ined), Ined Working Paper, n°292, forthcoming The Journal of Economic Inequality
- "How Long Will You be a Widow? Determinants, Trends and Income Gradient in Widowhood Duration", 2023, with J. Tréguier (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW) and D. Blanchet (IPP), Document de travail, hal-04269972, forthcoming Demography
- "Vieillir en couple ? Le reflet d’histoires conjugales diverses en Europe", with S. Juin (ERUDITE, Université Paris-Est Créteil) et A. Solaz (Ined)
- "Se séparer à 30, 50 ou 70 ans : quelles conséquences économiques selon le sexe et le type d’union ?", with L. Cimelli (Ined) et A. Solaz (Ined)
- Accès géographique et financier aux Ehpad : évaluer l’équité des politiques de soutien à l’autonomie en contexte de décentralisation, 2024, with C. Bourreau-Dubois (Université de Lorraine), A. Carrère (IPP), R. Fontaine (Ined), A. Gramain (Université de Lorraine), F. Jusot, (Université Paris-Dauphine), C. Thébaut (Université de Limoges), J. Wittwer (Université de Bordeaux), Working Paper BETA, 2024-09
- "Does diffusion mean democratization of joint physical custody? Evidence from Europe", with A. Solaz (Ined), E. Lindroos (University of Turku), M. Hakovirta (University of Turku), D.R. Meyer (University of Wisconsin), M. Salin (University of Turku)
- "Child Penalty and The Rise in Within-Couple Income Inequality", with L. Dubreuil (Crest/Ensae) and B. Garbinti (Crest)
- "Gendered Economic Determinants of Couple Formation over 50 in France",2019, with F. Godet (Insee) and A. Solaz (Ined), 2019 Insee Working paper, n° G2019/13
Work in Progress
Economic consequences of late-life divorce A comparison between France and Sweden, with L. Cimelli (Ined), AZ Duvander (Stockholm University & Mid Sweden University), L. Kridahl (Stockholm University), S. Ohlsson-Wijk (Stockholm University), A. Solaz (Ined)
Marital shocks and mortality in France: recent evidence from panel tax data, with G. Ferrari (Ined), L. Toulemon (Ined) and A. Solaz (Ined)